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I’d spent 10 years working in coffee but it was only on a trip to Rwanda in 2015 that I saw coffee for what it was, people. I realised I could do more and together with the support of my wife, embarked on a journey to change people’s mindset away from commodity and into community.


Trent Knox

What makes St Remio so unique is not only what we stand for, but the fact that we are able to offer agnostic solutions to suit a variety of systems. From whole beans to a wide range of compatible capsules, our broad range of innovative products allows us to reach and engage with a wider consumer market and build inroads across all coffee categories.

Our quality and flexibility as a coffee brand has been a large catalyst for growth. But it is our authenticity and what we stand for that had built our loyalty. We are proud at St Remio to not only source sustainable coffee but to empower coffee growers at origin through funding education and infrastructure at the source


Julia Tink